
February 21, 2011

Happy Monday!!!

It’s been a little while since my last post so thought I might bring you all up to speed!! Valentine’s Day was a normal day, like I had said before it’s definitely a hallmark holiday!! When I got home Monday night J, P & C brought in cards and a nice bouquet of flowers…It was sweet and just perfect…We actually went out to shop for a few things for the benefit, then came home and made dinner.. Tuesday I was at work all day and night between both jobs...I ended up not getting home till about 10pm. Wednesday and Thursday were both consumed with benefit shopping and making baskets..Friday was an awesome night.. We had a birthday party for J’s boss’ daughter at Bounce U. For those of you who are not familiar with this place it is a gigantic warehouse divided into two huge rooms with blow up slides and ball pits…I honestly think that J had more fun then P did..After the party P and J went back to his boss’ house while Nikki and I went to my mom’s house to do inventory and number all the baskets…We were there till about 11pm and I was exhausted!! Saturday J was supposed to go chop some wood down and split it but with 45mph winds that was not happening! We instead opted to just chill at home..Well actually I ended up going to the Super Walmart, I am really starting to hate that place…I mean don’t get me wrong it is very convenient, but the people that work there are just not right…I had asked where something was and I was looked at like I had 3 heads!! Saturday night we had a birthday party at Burger King for a friend’s child…That is such a great place..It’s contained and no cleanup or setup…Sunday was a very relaxed day. The family ended up going to Columbus Flee Market in NJ to just walk around and be outside. Once we left we had breakfast/brunch with Nik, Kev, Chy & Tyler. I had eggs, potatoes & scrapple!!!  YUMMO!!!  I went home to get P in for a nap, while J went and loaded wood onto the truck to split for the wood-burning stove!! I had to be at work by 4pm so I was rushing around trying to get all the clothes folded and done.  WORK….What a night that was last night!! Our dishwasher walked out on us during our rush..So while EVERYONE else stood around and watched the dishes pile up, I got back there and banged out a sh#$ ton of dishes…The kicker is one of the cooks said “you might want to put some gloves on, that can’t be good for your nails”. There are 2 funny things about what he said #1 He was absolutely correct & #2 scary cause he is a straight man thinking about a girls nails...We both laughed so freaking hard when I told him my thoughts...So all the while I was back there my last table sat in my section dirty and not cleared…I freaked out when not ONE server offered to help or clean it for me…They just all stood around not caring that the night manager would have been screwed if I hadn’t just banged out all those dishes..You see our cooks have to close both the line and salad bar…So they would have also had to play catch up and close dish also…So I did everything except for close it down…I am a FIRM believer in KARMA!! So here’s to it coming back to me ten fold when I work on next Sunday!! So that is the way that I finished up my weekend…Here is to a very awesome week leading up to this most important benefit…More on that later in the week!!

Happy Monday


February 14, 2011


Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!! I will say this though it is such a hallmark holiday!!! I got J a cute little card that described us to the T!!! I am feeling a little bit better, still have a lingering stuffy nose, but hey I will take that over the headache!! I went and saw Never Say Never Friday night!! Yes I am admitting that a 30 year old went and saw that movie…But not without a child!! Nikki, Chy & I went to a 10:10pm showing and there were maybe 15 of us in the theater! It was a very well put together documentary about how he was found and leading up to him selling out Madison Square Garden. It was a really cool thing to see…Minus my ears bleeding with the girls screaming in the movie!! But any who!! So Saturday was the mother in laws birthday and I had a baby shower for a good friend….It was a pretty jammed packed weekend..Selling tickets for the benefit and making a payment on the benefit….It is coming up pretty quickly and I can’t believe we only have about 70 tickets left!! Yesterday was a pretty chill day, J got all of our Christmas decorations down since the snow has un-buried them. He was on a mission to get them all down!! I am looking forward to this week’s weather! We are looking 60 degrees by Friday. All this white stuff should be long gone and melted!! Like I said I really like the snow but something’s gotta give!! So in a nut shell it’s been one heck of a weekend..This coming weekend is also full of parties and what have you…

So Happy Love Day!!!


February 10, 2011


Sick, Sick & still Sick!!! I feel as though the medication I am on is not working or not working quick enough!! The whole sinus infection thing is for the birds! It is t-minus 2 weeks until the benefit and we are rolling right along! We are still getting baskets from people who weren’t even originally in the count. So that is a major plus for us as far as having more and more baskets to raffle off!! J, Nikki & I are going tomorrow night to make a payment and to get everything wrapped up for them at the hall…P has a runny nose from either his teeth or just a plain cold! J God bless him is working outside this week for work. The temps here are hovering in and around 35ish but today the high is about 24. He said he is warm…I just tell him sorry every time I talk to him and wish he could be in a warmer job!! But with this economy I am just glad that he has a job to pay our bills!! Thinking about buying a thing to be able to skype with my sister in Italy! I have to check it out and see how it works with a computer and not a laptop! Also I was informed while reading her blog that its Chocolate Festival in Florence this weekend…I could only imagine the smell of yummy melting chocolate permeating through the streets. I bet it smells like Hershey, PA on crack!! AHH to be able to experience that I am so jealous!! I miss my sister so terribly!! I mean she moved out after high school and really never came home, ever!! But then they were always a drive away! Whether it was in DC or Kentucky…Now she is not a drive away, not even close. She isn’t even in the same time zone! She is 6 hours ahead of us. She is a 9-hour flight away. She is a $700 plane ticket away... They have no intention on coming home for at least a year…I guess I really never realized how much I was going to miss her until I didn’t get to see her everyday while picking up P & C from my dad! I just wish that they were closer..I know, I know they are living their dream of being there, but I guess in some ways I just wished they picked something closer!! But any who I am looking forward to a somewhat slow weekend. Not much planned only to hopefully feel better!!

Happy Thursday!!


February 7, 2011

Happy Monday!!

Holy Crap!! This weekend was a very busy one at that, with J being away and leaving me with my little man, which left only a few minutes to myself. Friday night after my long doctors appointment, which he diagnosed me with a very bad sinus infection and the start of a right ear infection! So now I am on a high-powered antibiotic and some decongestant! Friday after all that I went home to a quiet house, cause Nikki had P over for dinner. Oh FYI he also decided to bite her and then laugh in her face. He is really too much sometimes! Nik and her daughter Chy came over and we made a really long shopping night that didn’t end until 10:20pm at which P had enough! We came home and put him to bed then decided to start putting together all the baskets for the benefit. Well midnight came and went, so at about 2:45am we called it a night. Thank goodness P was thrown off his normal routine and slept until 9:45am. God love that child for being a sleeper cause C isn’t. You can send him to bed at 2am and he will still rise at about 7:30am.  Saturday the in-laws came over and spent some QT with P. Then it was my turn to spend some QT with my mom. Lunch at Ruby Tuesday’s then a quick stop at the $1 store and Target. Then it was only P and I. We had dinner and played until about 8:30 when he was finally starting to fade. I then decided to start watching Twilight New Moon and Twilight Eclipse!! Loved them both!! Also at about 11pm started baking some brownies and muffins. 200 to be exact!! The vultures at work ate them all…They sure do love my baking, even if it is from a box!! Sunday Nik came back over and we finished up 3 more baskets then shipped them over to my parent’s spare bedroom to store until the benefit! Never really imagined all that goes into a benefit!! Got to watch most of the Super Bowl at work but we were pretty steady all night. Funniest commercial was the Pepsi commercial were the lady threw the can and knocked out the girl on the bench…Classic!! Once my shift was over I came home folded some laundry then went to bed! Feeling a little better this am but not by much!! This sinus infection needs to hit the road quickly!!

Happy Monday!!!


February 4, 2011


TGIF!! It’s been a very long week!! It actually all started Sunday night with not getting out of work until 11pm. Then Monday was month-end at the 1st job and I didn’t get out of there until 10:45pm. Which I am not really complaining about because that is good for the overtime paycheck!! Then on Tuesday I didn’t get out of work till 10pm. So I think that my body is saying slow down, cause I am now sick! I have a doctor’s appointment today to get checked out and hopefully get a prescription for some good medicine! But you know in complete Jaime fashion I am going shopping with Nikki tonight for the benefit!! But on a side note, J is headed up to the mountains with his brother for the Sportsman Show this weekend…yee haw!  C is going to the Villanova vs. WV basketball game with his step-moms family this weekend so he is excited about that. So it’s just little man and me this weekend. He is such a good little shopper and such a good sport when out and about, which makes it very easy when I am by myself!! Oh and the t-shirts are in for the benefit. Nikki’s hubby Kevin picked them up for us yesterday. Speaking of them let me just say a few things. They have been an awesome thing in our lives since the dad in-law suffered his brain aneurysm. That first night/day was pretty bad. Nikki came over that night at about 10pm and cooked us a nice dinner. She has listened to us, folded my laundry ( her ADD) and just gave us 110% of her friendship, which we couldn’t have done without! They are a part of our extended family now and forever. Without them most all of this would not have been possible..So if I haven’t said it enough Nikki, Kevin, Chy and Ty you all rock and thanks for letting your mom spend more time with us rather then with you these past 2 months..LOVE YOU ALL!! Our other friends, you know who you are, have offered so much and donated so much to us. Your time and patience with us does not go un-noticed!  This is going to be a successful benefit because you all are helping out! THANK YOU…Okay so now that I got out of the way. The snow is melting slowly. Very slowly! But not to jinx us they are not mentioning any snow in the forecast! Which is the first in about 5 weeks or so!! Now that the snow might have moved out I am stressing less about the weather for the benefit.. My major concern in three weeks will be the parking at the hall. But I need to really stop obsessing about things I can’t control..At least that is what I am told!!  

So to everyone have a great & safe weekend!! Oh Miss you sister!!


February 2, 2011

Ice Ice Baby...

So waking up today everything is covered in a nice sheet of ice.

When I say everything I mean right down to the power lines, trees and a nice coating on the 16 inches of snow still out there on the ground!
This is a picture that hubby took of pop and P making a snowman during the storm last week.

I mean I really love snow. I really really do, BUT not ice and only like snow if I am on a ski slope cruising down a nice black diamond. Not having to drive, shovel or salt it! The weather people said "It's going to be a mild winter!" Pish Posh, I call bull!! I highly doubt that 2 1/2 feet of snow already counts as a mild winter!! I am really in the wrong business, I need to be a weather forecaster! I swear that is the only job where you can be 99.999% wrong and still always have a job!! I really think that when profits for the food stores are down they call the weather people and say hey predict a nice size storm!! The storm that we were "supposed" to get Monday and yesterday was supposed to include 1-3 inches of snow..Well that didn't happen..But I am sure there was no bread, milk or eggs to be found!! Oh and C woke up to a 2 hour delay this morning. Makes no sense but hey that's why I pay my taxes for people to make those calls!!  END RANT

Onto other things!! We are having a fundraiser tonight at a place called CiCi's to raise money for the dad in-law. They are giving us 10% of all there sales tonight for whomever brings in a flyer that we handed out. This place is awesome! So much so that we already booked a fundraiser for our boys baseball travel team in May. AHHH baseball is going to start soon which means our life as we know it will be filled with practices, fundraisers and more practice!! J will be having tryouts in a few weeks and having to pick only a lucky 13 boys is hard! J loves these boys like his own. He would have an 18 man team if he could, but he can't. So it pains him to have to make a call to the parents to tell them he doesn't think that boy is ready yet. But he does it with grace and tells them maybe next year. I mean they are only 9-10 so the skill might not be fully there. So that will all soon return to our daily routine!

The benefit is t-minus 3 weeks away and the planning is going full speed ahead! We actually attended a benefit Saturday for a dear friends dad. There were 12 of them rocking out this benefit!! We on the other hand have myself, J & Nikki. So I think that we are rock stars and have everything under control! We have about 40 total baskets to be won! The only problem I can foresee is transporting them all to the hall without damaging them. But we will recruit our friends with trucks to make the traveling easier. So after all this is said and done I am going to need a nice relaxing weekend!!

So here is to a great Wednesday!!
